Emergency Dentistry in Aliso Viejo
Emergency Dentistry varies from unmanageable pain to a non-painful tooth fracture that may make you feel self conscious. Dr. Johnson completely understands that what may be an emergency for one person may not be to another. We are ready to handle any type of dental emergency, no matter how big or small. If it is an emergency to you, Dr. Johnson and his team will make sure that it is taken care of as soon as possible.
Here is a list of some common emergency situations:
• Pain that is either unmanageable or spontaneous
• Swelling of the face or neck
• Broken/chipped tooth
• Trauma (may need to call 911)
• Locked jaw
• Crown that came off
• Filling that came out
Often times, dental emergencies occur at a time when it is most inconvenient for all involved. However, Dr. Johnson and his team are available Monday through Saturday and have a set protocol to handle dental emergencies on a daily basis, if needed. We will be able to accommodate your emergency when most dental offices are closed, especially on Fridays and Saturdays.
All we ask is that a courtesy call be given to inform the office of your situation, because it allows Dr. Johnson and his team to prepare for your arrival and be able to handle the situation in the most timely and effective manner possible. Sometimes, just speaking with a dental professional and getting informed of how serious the emergency situation actually is can be very calming. The information provided may also prevent a simple dental emergency from developing into a more serious and costly situation.
If you are experiencing a dental emergency, please feel free to contact us at any time (949) 831-1946.